À première vue

From 20 July to 1 September 2022

A finissage will take place on September 1st at 5:45 pm in the presence of the artists in front of the Loevenbruck gallery (rue Jacques Callot).

This summer, discover the artists who graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in the windows of the galleries of Saint-Germain-des-Prés.


During the summer period, a large number of gallery windows in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district often remain empty, so the Beaux-Arts de Paris wanted to join forces with the district's galleries in a movement to support young artists.


In the original format of the window display, the works of young graduates of the School will be exhibited and will offer the public a look at young creation.


Nearly twenty galleries are taking part in the operation, including: Anthony Meyer, Arcanes, Arnaud Lefebvre, Berthet-Aittouarès, Bsl,  Flak,  Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois, La Forest Divonne, Le Minotaure,  Le Toit du Monde, Librairie des Alpes, Loeve&Co, Loevenbruck, Mingei, Loft, Raymond Dreyfus et Natalie Seroussi.


The artists presented: Aline Ardellier, Brice Blanqué, Pauline Brami, Javier Carro Temboury, Mathilde Cazes, Tatiana Efrussi, Clédia Fourniau, Jules Goliath, Juliette Green, Ninon Hivert, Romain Jaccoud, César Kaci, Yanis Khannoussi, Thomas Lefevre, Ophélie Lefort, Lucile Soussan et Alzbeta Wolfova.