Are you interested in joining the Beaux-Arts de Paris?
Come to our Open Day on Saturday 28 January 2023

Free admission from 10am to 5pm

An information day for potential candidates for the entrance exams and their families to find out all about the training offered - the public social preparatory class (Via Ferrata), the Beaux-Arts de Paris undergraduate diploma (Bachelor's level) and the National Superior Diploma of Plastic Arts (DNSAP, Master's level).

This is an exceptional opportunity to discuss with the teams, teachers, students and graduates.






  • Presentations on the training and the curriculum:
    11am on site
    3pm on site and online broadcast 

    Presentation available on Zoom
    Meeting ID : 832 9286 4990
    Secret code : 263755
  • Presentation of the Via Ferrata preparatory class :
    1pm on site 
  • Information stands: admissions, Via Ferrata preparatory class, international, student life, publications, NABA (Nouvelle Académie des Amateurs des Beaux-Arts)
  • Free access library: 66,000 documents that are references in the field of contemporary art.

  • Performances 
    11am, 2pm and 3.30pm: Nathalie Talec workshop, "Thank you for the music", with Mayssa Abdelaziz, Amira Al-Sharif, Zoé Boissin-Peras, Missia Casanova, Salomé Dahéron, François Grange, Félicité Helman, Lucas Largy, Laure Lefebvre, Claire Orefice, Armand Parella, Liz Saba, Rajib Shak, Violette Trevisiol and Yina Zhen
    12pm and 3pm: Valentin Le Nost, 2022 graduate, "Maelström", performed by Lucien Guêné

  • Catering at the Café Héloïse by the students of the School

  • Presentation of student work: studios Hicham Berrada, Wernher Bouwens, Marie José Burki, Nina Childress, Julien Creuzet, Petrit Halilaj & Alvaro Urbano, Aurélie Pagès, Guillaume Paris, drawing room, Julien Sirjacq



Please note that the other workshops will not be accessible on this day.


Visual: © Marius Fouquet, student workshop Sirjacq