The Government is launching a call for expressions of interest entitled " Mondes Nouveaux ", endowed with €30M, dedicated " to the support, conception and realization of artistic projects, which will pay particular attention to young creators ", as part of the recovery plan, the Ministry of Culture announced on 22/06/2021. The AMI is open to creators in the field of visual arts, music, performing arts, writing, design and applied arts. Creators will be able to propose projects " resonating with one or more architectural, historical and natural heritage sites under the Centre of National Monuments or the Conservatoire du littoral " The AMI is open from 28/06 to 22/08/2021.

The artistic committee that will select the applications is composed of nine professionals and chaired by Bernard Blistène, director of the Centre Pompidou National Museum of Modern Art in Paris. The committee members will also engage with the successful candidates to accompany them " in the fulfillment of their intentions ", the MC says.

The successful candidates will be awarded a " research allowance " of up to €10,000 net per project " in order to clarify their intentions, analyse their feasibility and come up with a concrete project that will be the subject of a production ". At the end of a maximum period of three months, they will propose the detailed documents allowing the costing of the realization or the setting in production of their project. Various sites under the authority of the CNM and the Conservatoire du littoral may be involved in the presentation, exhibition or installation of works that wish to be included. " All the projects carried out will be presented to the public, according to their nature, in the framework that suits them ", specifies the MC.


Consult the call for expressions of interest " Mondes Nouveaux "