The Premiers Films festival was born from an observation: the desire to show one's own work and to see the work of others and then to discuss it. But then arose the difficulty of finding a projection space where it is possible to take the time necessary for sharing and discussion. One question remained unanswered: where to find this space, which is not only reserved for experienced filmmakers or artists? The Premiers Films festival was therefore born out of a great curiosity to discover the work of others and the difficulty of finding a space to do so. The objective is to seek out young directors and encourage them to share a raw work that is still unconventional.


With the participation of students and graduates :
Théo Audoire, Parisa Babaei, Katia Benhaïm, Anaïs Commaret, Matthias Joulaud, Alice Narcy, Adrien PenpEnic, Yaqian Zhang 


Cinema La clef Revival
34 Rue Daubenton, 75005 Paris


23 oct 2020 I 20h-22H
24 oct 2020 I 20h-22H
