Designed in collaboration with the Pernod Ricard Foundation, "L'avancée" is a hanging space located in the café/bookshop area of the Foundation. Come and discover the project of artist Clédia Fourniau, a 2021 graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and resident at POUSH! 


"The eye dances on the canvas, from the center to the sides, caught up in the undulations of a pictorial body that is nonetheless motionless. In each of Clédia Fourniau's works, there is a succession of colored layers that calls for diving into the depths, or rather going up to the surface, towards the opening on which a translucent stratification of resins is superimposed.
Mirroring, this surface reflects by fragments the body of the observer: subtle setting in abyss of the image which reflects itself - which thinks itself - and which reflects the image which questions it - ourselves -. A reflection which goes until leaving the frame, and taking a new dimension, in that the matter stretches its consistency to leave apparent its margins and redefine new contours... Or how to question, of more beautiful, this "reflexive device" and identity of the support which, like the bottom, often passes unnoticed. 
Clédia Fourniau uproots the fundamentals to better understand the components and deployments: the object that makes work, the work that is object, the whole that is art. Thorny reflection, even existential, in the immaterial era of the metaverse and the NFT."
Anne-Laure Peressin, art critic


Pernod Ricard Foundation
1, cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris

Free admission 


Photo credit: © Romain Darnaud