Jean Bedez's graphite mine drawings offer representations of the contemporary world that function as modern allegories: between political and religious power, the culture of the spectacle or the role of the citizen, they explore the relations of domination in our societies.


Discover De Sphaera mundi - on the sphere of the world

  • For the public, the exhibition is online on the Atlas, the virtual gallery of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, with an exclusive interview with the artist Jean Bedez and the curator Emmanuelle Brugerolles.
  • For professionals, a visit in person is possible by invitation until March 21, 2021
    Please contact: to make an appointment*.

The Notebook of the Editions des Beaux-Arts de Paris

The booklet containing the drawings presented in the exhibition and a retrospective of the work of Jean Bedez is now available in bookstores. For more information



*Due to the latest government regulations, the exhibition Jean Bedez, De Sphaera Mundi is not open to the public. For the moment it is only open to professionals by appointment in the strictest respect of sanitary conditions.