Dessiner aujourd’hui - 10 ans de création aux Beaux-Arts de Paris
Drawing today - 10 years of creation at the Beaux-Arts de Paris

Monday 22 January 2024
from 6.30pm
at the Gros Câlin bookshop.
72 rue de Miromesnil - Paris 75008

Round-table discussion with Emmanuelle Brugerolles, former curator of the drawing collections at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, and one of the authors of the book.
Masterclass in life drawing, led by François Mendras, a graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and a teacher at the Nouvelle académie des amateurs (NABA) at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

The talk will be followed by a friendly drink.
This book is published by Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions with the support of the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris, creator of the Prix du dessin contemporain.

More information about the book


Les Suffragettes de l’art - L’Entrée des femmes à l’école des Beaux-Arts
in the presence of the author

Thursday 25 January 2024
from 7 pm
at the bookshop L'Écume des pages
174 Bd Saint-Germain - 75006 Paris

The meeting will be followed by a friendly drink.

Anaïd Demir, journalist, art critic and author of the book, will talk to Pascale Le Thorel, director of publishing, about the crazy story of women's entry into the Beaux-Arts in Paris.

More information about the book