Students from Angelica Mesiti and Marion Naccache's Atelier spent a year exploring the collections of the Louvre. Their many crossings of the Carrousel bridge gave rise to a collective sound creation project based on an idea as simple as it is ambitious and joyful: hacking audioguides. In this way, they invented tracks for a museum soundtrack, creating flexible forms that redefine what it means for young artists to be present within the walls of a major heritage institution. These sound works are all ways of surveying the museum in a new, experimental and exploratory plastic form, a working laboratory of unheard-of frequencies to connect the works.

As part of an educational partnership with the Louvre.

Access and opening times similar to those of the Louvre
Le Studio - Aile Richelieu du musée du Louvre
rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris

Photo credit: Clarisse Pillard

Discover the sound trail

"What if you went back to the Louvre, this time accompanied by a student from the Beaux-Arts de Paris?" at the Louvre, crazy audio guides created by students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris