In partnership with the Beaux-Arts de Paris and the "Troubles, Dissidence and Aesthetics" Chair 
and the Festival d'Automne à Paris, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Delegation in France and the Jerk Off Festival.


For this new edition, the Échelle Humaine festival is letting itself be swept along by the movements of artists, researchers, students and the general public, who are taking over Lafayette Anticipations and revealing its spaces of play, porosities and mutations.


Over the course of a weekend, Échelle Humaine brings together a wide range of encounters: performances, installations, workshops, films, conversations, siestas, parties - all opportunities to experience the relationships that move us and to question their transformations.


Choreographer Taos Bertrand is devising a workshop with students from the Beaux-Arts in Paris, who will share their research at the end of the festival. An ephemeral reading room, designed by Tai Shani, will welcome the public for times of rest and discovery. A cycle of films, collective practices and public meetings will take place on the Foundation's floors. All in all, a chance to think about and experience the movements of the present together.


3-day festival
From 15 to 17 Sept. 2023



Information and bookings



Programming: Amélie Coster and Madeleine Planeix-Crocker


Cover image credit: Performance by Luara Raio, Apocalypso. Photo: Raquel Pimentel