From May 11 to June 13
Louvre Museum


Inspired by their study trip to the island of Thasos, fifteen graduates and students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris invest the Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities to nourish their thinking and creation through contact with ancient works, preserved in the Louvre's collections.


These young artists, referring to myths, figurative scenes, geometric patterns, large and small plastic and ceramics, create according to different expressions of visual arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography) works designed in accordance with the museography of the place.


Presented artists : Lara Al Gubory, Joanne Aoun, Luna Ece Bal, Katarina Charou, Léonore Destres, Jules Goliath, Helena Heras Ariño, Hélène Janicot, Nicolas Kyrillou, Léa Le Floc'h, Jonathan Sobel, Sergiu Ujvarosi, Hugo Viana da Silva and Leto William.


Curatorship: Anne Coulié, Violaine Jeammet, Ludovic Laugier heritage curators at the Department of Greek Etruscan and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre Museum. With Götz Arndt, Philippe Renault, Fabrice Vannier, professors of the laboratory " Matière/Espace " at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Curator: Anne Coulié

Götz Arndt, Philippe Renault, and Fabrice Vannier, collegially direct the Matter/Space Laboratory at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, which fosters the design, realization, and spatialization of selected student projects related to architecture, the city, the garden, and the landscape, as well as archaeology and museum space.


A special presentation as part of European Museum Night will take place on Saturday, May 14 from 6 to 10 p.m.     


Practical information:

Louvre Museum
Pre-classical gallery, landing of the temple of Zeus at Olympia (Denon region - rooms 170 and 407)
Charles X Gallery (Sully area - rooms 649, 648, 647, 646)
Paris 1st  


Monday and Wednesday through Sunday, 9am-6pm
Closed on Tuesday