Following a residency in 2020 at the Fondation le Corbusier, the artist Manuel Vieillot (2015 graduate) presents :


Home Theatre System COMEDIES


An exhibition in three locations presented by the Fondation le Corbusier, in partnership with the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

During his residency, Manuel Vieillot was able to observe "the traces of architectural language as they manifest themselves, weaving a web where the signs of a material present, as well as those of a fantasized past and a potential future, are taken and combined. Thus articulating each other, a power of meaning is expressed.

The result is two printed objects that accompany the visitor to the Maison La Roche and Le Corbusier's Appartement-atelier. For the artist, it is a question of deploying them to open a dialogue with the places. 
At Bagnoler, he presents a monumental work, which "displaces and reproduces the appearance of these signs, in order to give them to be seen through the prism of his filter, as the image of themselves."


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