Many students and graduates of the Beaux-Arts de Paris are participating in this charity exhibition.
Among the twenty artists on display are students Pierre Mérigot, Olga Sabko, Tristan Chev, and Elladj Lincy, as well as graduates Laura Tolen (2020 graduate), Johanna Mirabel (2019 graduate), Laurie van Melle (2019 graduate), and Julia Haumont (2017 graduate).


Mayfly Gallery, the ephemeral gallery of the students of the MBA Specialized International Art Market, of ICART, The School of Culture and Art Market Management, invites you for its second edition from Wednesday, March 10 to Sunday, March 14, 2021 at the Espace Christiane Peugeot to discover the charity exhibition "Home Perspectives". This exhibition has a dual purpose: to bring the public to the discovery of emerging artists and contribute to a solidarity cause.


The exhibition "Home Perspectives" is conceived as a journey of introspection, inviting the viewer to question the ultimate meaning of home. Beyond the very notion of habitat, this expression takes on a totally different meaning depending on the sensitivity, culture, and education of each individual. After a year marked by periods of confinement, considering the notion of home allows us to rediscover all the stakes it represents, both from a personal and collective point of view.


The selection of national and international artists who will be presented have generously responded to our appeal and will donate part of the proceeds of sales to the Palais de la Femme shelter created by the Salvation Army. A collection of artworks donations launched with Parisian galleries will also allow to increase the library of the Palais de la Femme. The public is also invited to support the Palais de la Femme through online donations directly on the Salvation Army platform. A final component completes our project with the collection of donations of plastic art materials (brushes, markers, pencils, paints etc.) from artists which will allow the teams of the Palais de la Femme to organize workshops for the children of the residents.


With regard to the health and social context so particular, Mayfly Gallery will open its doors with the desire to help, to be useful, to collaborate, to exchange and to be turned towards one's fellow man. In the event of a lockdown or closure of cultural spaces, a digital version of the exhibition will be made available to the public via our partner Notoryou.


Artists presented:

Tiffany Bouelle, Tristan Chev, Céline Cléron, Josué Comoe, Félix D'Aoust, Julia Haumont, Solveig Herrström de Luze, Sarah Krespin, Elladj Lincy, Martinet & Texereau, Pierre Merigot, Marie-Claire Messouma MANLANBIEN, Rob Miles, Johanna Mirabel, Baudouin Mouanda, Delphine Rodrigue, Olga Sabko, Caisa Sandgren, Julian Semiao, Lisa Signorini, Jinjin Sun, Jeanne Susplugas, Laura Tolen, Johanna Tordjman, Laurie van Melle, Gusto Zagg.

Practical information:

"Home Perspectives"

Wednesday, March 10 to Sunday, March 14, 2021

Free Admission

Schedules: Wednesday to Saturday: 10:30am-6pm Sunday 10:30am-2pm

Vernissage on March 10, 2021 at 4:30 pm

Espace Christiane Peugeot 62 Avenue de la Grande Armée, 75017 Paris
Metro : Porte Maillot / Argentina, Line 1