Vincent Cardoso, 2018 graduate
Leonore Destres, 5th year student
Savana Elahcene, 2018 graduate
Theo Krief, 2020 graduate
Fanny Magnabal, 2020 graduate
Darta Sidere, 2019 graduate

Collective Exhibition

Le vert sur l'arcade

"Today, we are a collective. Entitled CELLA, it takes its name from the enclosed part of Roman temples, both a small chamber for travelers and the seat of the lʼidole.
Our practices converge around an interest in space where architectural forms and metamorphoses of its living move. We pay particular attention to materials. We want to understand what a material is capable of producing and how to relate to it; it appears to us as movement, flow and variation. There is a desire to break away from the model according to which, forms from the mind would be imposed on inert matter. We seek to capture the moment when human action meets a natural process. This thought leads us to a reflection on the tool as an extension of the body as well as on the "poien", that is to say, that by which the human, via gestures, words, objects, configures his own sphere of dwelling within the world that surrounds and fascinates him. The work of the hand then appears to us as capital. It is through "making" that we construct an environment that responds to our own myths. In a common dynamic, we want to bring our work together to create a kind of anachronistic ruin, an organic architecture; Le vert sur l'arcade."

Practical information

EXHIBITION // January 6 to 15 11am-7pm
INAUGURATION // Thursday 6 January 6pm-9pm
Galerie du Crous de Paris, 11 rue des Beaux-arts, 75006 Paris