In collaboration with Ircam-Centre Pompidou

Created in 2020 on the initiative of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, in collaboration with Ircam, the Supersonic chair "exposing, editing, inhabiting sound" is presented as a workshop for sharing tools and practices for composing sound, visual and sensitive space. Composers from Ircam's Composition and Computer Science program and students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris worked together throughout the year to imagine and compose sound, visual and performative works. For this 2nd edition, the artists participating in the Supersonic Chair are invited to present their creations in a remarkable place steeped in history: the Petits-Augustins chapel of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

How to apprehend, divert and inhabit this space? 


Luis Quintana, Isadora Soares Belletti Gloup Splash Blup
Valentin Bonnet, Yann Trividic ECPC 2022
Didem Coskunseven, Louis Le Pape, Engin Daglik The stuff of dreams
Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger Parc des curiosités reconstruites
Carl Amiard, Loïs Saumande HIT!


Pedagogical supervision: Grégoire Lorieux, Sébastien Naves (Ircam), Angelica Mesiti, Julien Prévieux, Vincent Rioux, Julien Sirjacq (Beaux-Arts de Paris)


Program - Friday, May 20


Luis Quintana, Isadora Soares Belletti

Gloup Splash Blup, immersive sound environment

Duration: about 17 minutes (8min30 on speakers and 8min30 on headphones), continuous


7pm 1st part

Valentin Bonnet, Yann Trividic

ECPC 2022

Performance, with Valentin Bonnet and Yann Trividic

Duration: about 40 minutes




Didem Coskunseven, Louis Le Pape, Engin Daglik

The stuff of dreams

With Didem Coskunseven synths and keyboards, Engin Daglik drums

Duration : about 30 minutes


8:30 pm Part 2

Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Park of reconstructed curiosities

Performance, with Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Duration: about 30 minutes


Carl Amiard, Loïs Saumande


Performance, with Carl Amiard, Loïs Saumande and guests

Duration : about 30 minutes


Program - Saturday, May 21

3pm-5pm, continuous

Luis Quintana, Isadora Soares Belletti

Gloup Splash Blup, immersive sound environment

Duration: about 17 minutes (8min30 on speakers and 8min30 on headphones)


Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Park of reconstructed curiosities

Sound installation version



Valentin Bonnet, Yann Trividic

ECPC 2022

Performance, with Valentin Bonnet and Yann Trividic

Duration: about 40 minutes


Didem Coskunseven, Louis Le Pape, Engin Daglik

The stuff of dreams

With Didem Coskunseven synths and keyboards, Engin Daglik drums

Duration: about 30 minutes


Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Park of reconstructed curiosities

Performative version, with Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Duration : about 30 minutes


Presentation of the works

Luis Quintana, Isadora Soares Belletti

Gloup Splash Blup

Immersive sound environment


Gloup Splash Blup deals with the richness of the marine soundscape and its living organisms. Fish, mammals and crustaceans emit sounds that are mostly unsuspected. Indeed, these organisms rely on listening to locate themselves, find food, mate or even locate themselves, each having a unique sound signature. The project highlights this hidden soundscape by interacting with the depths of the chapel space.  

To create this environment, the artists developed an acousmatic piece from samples collected from numerous researchers. It explores two different temporalities through a double listening: "outside", with sounds diffused in the Chapel, which unfolds like a shadow of the second part, "inside", with headphones, revealing a more dramatic imaginary universe. For the listening of the sound piece, they have imagined a device that refers to fishing. The public is invited to dive into a bluish universe by lying down in a mobile hammock made of fishing net and fixed on a rolling metal structure. 


Valentin Bonnet, Yann Trividic

ECPC 2022


With Valentin Bonnet and Yann Trividic


Valentin Bonnet and Yann Trividic propose ECPC-2022, an original, didactic and pedagogical device which aims to allow a dialogue between the two artists and the public present during the event. In doing so, the working tools they use on a daily basis will be questioned: error, the approximate, doubt, the processes of learning and appropriation of tools, the naive and the burlesque.

Between them, they are musicians, editors, artists, performers, printers, programmers, singers, composers, performers, directors, linguists, librarians, lecturers and students. All of these fields of expertise must be addressed and resonate within the framework of ECPC.


Didem Coskunseven, Louise Le Pape, Engin Daglik

The stuff of dreams


Concept: Didem Coskunseven, Louise Le Pape

Music: Didem Coskunseven, with the collaboration of Engin Daglik

Field Recordings, voice, text: Louise Le Pape

With Didem Coskunseven (synths, keyboards), Engin Daglik (drums)


The stuff of dreams is a collaborative composition and performance project involving Didem Coskunseven, Louise Le Pape and Engin Daglik.

This collaboration was conducted at a distance, each living in a different place. The starting point of the project was to exchange field recordings, texts, drum and synthesizer improvisations, sound, music and text being the common denominator of their artistic practices.

These samples and sound recordings of nature, the city, the human being... made in Ivory Coast, California or Paris that the artists shared between them constituted a kind of "sound correspondence" containing what could be called "The fabric of our dreams", in reference to the quotation in William Shakespeare's The Tempest.


Our revels now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits, and

Are melted into air, into thin air:

And like the baseless fabric of this vision,

The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,

The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff

As dreams are made on; and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.


Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand, Armand Koestinger

Park of reconstructed curiosities

Performance for a composer, a singer and a piper

With Tom Bierton, Céleste Ingrand and Armand Koestinger

and sound installation


Welcome to the Park of Reconstructed Curiosities. Let yourself be lulled by the playful cliclquetis.

Go and find the cliczet clacset clacs of the more timid modules, hidden in the corners.

Listen to the space that prolongs their resonance and recomposes them. Don't miss to hear them sounding in chorus, led by a quintes.sssence of the organic mmmécanique :: the human voice !


Carl Amiard, Loïs Saumande



With Carl Amiard, Loïs Saumande and guests


HIT! is the new algorithm of DreamStar©. Trained for five years in our machine learning labs, HIT! has been fed with the most listened songs of the last 80 decades. Directly linked to streaming platforms and social networks thanks to our experts, HIT! generates a customized hit for each of its activations, adapted to its broadcast period. HIT! guarantees success, festivities and, above all, immediate exposure. DreamStar© invites you to the first public test of HIT! on May 20, 2022, at 9pm, in the Chapelle des Petits-Augustins at the Beaux-Arts in Paris. 


Visuel : Théo Pall
Typographie : PinNic par Marielle Nils (