Winners of the Pierre David-Weill Drawing Prize 2023

Alexis Frémont (1st Prize)

Born in 1992, Alexis Frémont is currently a 4th year student at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. He practices exclusively painting and drawing.

Cassius Baron (2nd Prize) 

Born in 1999, Cassius Baron studies at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. For several years he has been moving between painting, music, performance and various other disciplines, and today he practices almost exclusively drawing and sculpture.


Created in 1971 by Pierre David-Weill (1900-1975), then a member of the Académie, to encourage the practice of drawing among new generations of artists, the Pierre David-Weill Drawing Prize - Académie des Beaux-Arts is organised each year thanks to the generosity of his son Michel David-Weill (1932-2022), also a member of the Académie, who has continued his father's commitment since 1982. This prize supports artists under forty years of age who use drawing techniques (pencil, Indian ink, charcoal, pen, stump, red chalk, biros) and thus contributes to the emergence of new talent in this discipline, which is at the heart of artistic creation.


The jury of the 2023 edition was composed of Jean Anguera, Pierre Collin, Erik Desmazières, Astrid de La Forest, Philippe Garel, Fabrice Hyber, Catherine Meurisse, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Anne Poirier and Brigitte Terziev, members of the painting, sculpture and engraving sections of the Académie, as well as Françoise Docquiert, correspondent of the Académie.


The winners of the 2023 edition are Alexis Frémont (1st prize of 8000 euros), Cassius Baron (2nd prize of 4000 euros) and Aude David (3rd prize of 2000 euros). Three mentions were awarded to Yann Bagot, Arthur Dujols Luquet and Lucas Ngo. Alongside them, 27 artists will participate in the exhibition at the Pavillon Comtesse de Caen, which will be held from 16 March to 30 April 2023.