It was with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Pierre Alferi, an immense writer, poet and beloved teacher at the Beaux-Arts in Paris.
We shall miss him.
Our thoughts are with all those who loved him.


Pierre Alferi, born in 1963, was the author of some fifteen books of poetry, novels and essays, most of them published by P.O.L. He made short films, sound pieces and posters, and wrote plays, librettos and songs, which gave rise to numerous shows, exhibitions and screenings in France and abroad. He has also translated several books of the Bible and many contemporary poets, including John Donne, Paul Klee, Ezra Pound, Meyer Schapiro and Giorgio Agamben.


Since 2015, he has taught at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.


©️ Hugo Aymar for Beaux-Arts de Paris