Artist and founding member of the Nouveau Réalisme, Jacques Villeglé died on 6 June 2022.

We had the pleasure of receiving him last year, in April 2021, as part of Penser le Présent in dialogue with the art critic and curator Catherine Francblin.


Jacques Villeglé practised an art that was intended to be non-technical and close to what one finds in the street. His torn posters and his "visual cryptograms", graffiti on walls from which he created an alphabet and texts, have been exhibited in many institutions in France and around the world. 


To listen to or watch again on YouTube, and in podcast.





Photo credit: 
Jacques Villeglé pendant le montage de l’exposition « Alphabet(s) »
Février 2021
© Tadzio ; Courtesy Galerie GP & N Vallois, Paris)