In 2024, the Beaux-Arts de Paris are staging the 4th edition of Crush. For this new edition, 80 4th and 5th year students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris are presenting their work in the glass courtyard.

For this exhibition, they were assisted by three curators: Louise NICOLAS DE LAMBALLERIE, researcher, production manager and curator, Tadeo KOHAN, curator and Emilie VILLEZ, curator.

If you are a professional, you can register here

Crush is an opportunity to showcase the work in progress by young artists from the School to art professionals, curators, art critics, gallery owners, directors of art centres and museums, and so on. All artistic practices are represented, from painting, drawing and sculpture to performance art, video and photography.

For this exhibition, a new configuration of the modular scenography designed by artist and designer Olivier VADROT has been devised by the exhibitions department in collaboration with the Paris-Malaquais architecture school. With students Seunghun SHIN, Georgios GAITANAROS, Vittoria BERNO, Julia AGAFONOVAS and Théophile DUFERMONT, accompanied by their teacher Yann ROCHER.

With the support of Rubis Mécénat and Sisley.

The curators

Louise Nicolas de Lamballerie

Louise Nicolas de Lamballerie is a production manager based in the Hautes-Pyrénées. Her research questions
between mountain areas and artistic creation. The projects she creates
question the possibilities of exhibition space, through invitations taking different forms (residencies, concerts,
installations, etc.), mainly in the Aure and Louron valleys. She works with various organisations, including Les Abattoirs - Musée/Frac Occitanie in Toulouse and the École des Beaux-Arts des Pyrénées.
She is also collaborating with Julia Marchand on the Extramentale platform, a curatorial project that examines emerging artistic practices through the prism of adolescence.

Tadeo Kohan

Tadeo Kohan is a curator and teacher based in Paris and Geneva. His projects examine the performativity of language, artworks and display devices.
In 2017, he co-founded the curatorial platform Collectif Détente with Gabrielle Boder and directs the Geneva-based off space ET-Espace Témoin (2018-2019). Joined by Camille Regli in 2020, the collective launched the 'Stitches' research project, and in 2023 led the "TEASER" cycle of exhibitions at the FMAC, Geneva. In 2023, he was resident curator with Simona Dvorák at the Maison Populaire, Montreuil with the curatorial cycle "actes de langage".
At the same time, he taught at the HEAD, Geneva (2020-2023) and worked with institutions such as the MAMVP, the Petit Palais, the MNHI and the Centre for Contemporary Art.

Emilie Villez

Emilie Villez is an exhibition curator. She is interested in artistic and curatorial methodologies, the construction of
institutions and their ecosystems. Her practice creates relationships between practitioners of different generations and geographies, using various media and adopting decentralisation as a method.
Director of the KADIST foundation in Paris from 2013 to 2023, she has developed a programme of solo and group exhibitions in Paris and at international partner institutions, with guest artists and curators from all regions.
regions. She has also contributed, and continues to contribute, to the Foundation's collection by acquiring works by emerging and established artists.

Students presented

Soraya ABDELHOUARET, 5e année, atelier Echard
Caroline AILLERET, 5e année, atelier Cornaro
Antoine ALZIEU, 5e année, atelier Rielly
Ilaria ANDREOTTI, 4e année, atelier Figarella
Manuel APARICIO UGALDE, 5e année, atelier Halilaj & Urbano
Anaïs BALU-EMANE, 5e année, atelier Paris
Dorine BERNARD, 5e année, atelier Blazy
Margot BERNARD, 5e année, atelier Sirjacq
Adrien BORIS, 5e année, atelier Childress
Salomé BOTELLA, 4e année, atelier Blazy
Jade BOUDET, 5e année, atelier Figarella
Thomas BUSWELL, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Romane CHARLOT, 5e année, atelier Talec
Alexey CHERNIKOV, 5e année, atelier Berrada
Pauline CONFORTI, 5e année, atelier Cornaro
Bruna COSTA PESSOA, 5e année, atelier Creuzet
Louise COVILLAS, 5e année, atelier Cornaro
Anna DE CASTRO BARBOSA, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Oleg DE LA MORINERIE, 5e année, atelier Sarcevic
Alessandro DI LORENZO, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Eugénie DIDIER, 5e année, atelier Eitel
Blair EKLEBERY, 5e année, atelier Childress
Sarah EL IDRISSI, 5e année, ateliers Blazy et Berrada
Willy ELOY, 5e année, atelier Bernini
Clara EON, 5e année, atelier Prévieux
Irène EON, 5e année, atelier Eitel
Côme FERRASSE, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Alexis FRÉMONT, 5e année, atelier Calais
Morgan FREY, 5e année, ateliers Talec et Huynh
Diego GARCIA LARA, 5e année, atelier Calais
Clémence Appie GBONON, 5e année, atelier Perramant
Claire GITTON, 5e année, atelier Figarella
Timothée GRUEL, 5e année, atelier Eitel
Nora GUISLAIN, 5e année, atelier Figarella
Clélia GUY, 5e année, atelier Sirjacq
Anis Nabil HARBAOUI, 5e année, atelier Bernini
Maya HAREL, 5e année, atelier Figarella
Julien HEINTZ, 5e année, atelier Rielly
Jule HEINZELMANN, 5e année, atelier Berrada
Félicité HELMAN, 5e année, atelier Talec
Helena HERAS ARINO, 5e année, atelier Arndt
Fanny IRINA, 5e année, ateliers Creuzet et Trouvé
Anna JACCOUD, 4e année, atelier Sarcevic
Ruoxi JIN, 5e année, atelier Paris
Arya K/NELL , 4e année, atelier Huynh
Chris KAUFFMANN, 5e année, atelier Childress
Bahar KOCABEY, 5e année, atelier Sirjacq
Augustin LIGNIER, 5e année, atelier Berrada
Talia MAIDENBERG, 4e année, atelier Echard
Winca MENDY, 5e année, atelier Allouche
NICOLE, 5e année, atelier Figarella
Alexandre NITZSCHE CYSNE, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Joshua MERCHAN RODRIGUEZ, 5e année, atelier Creuzet
Clara MIDON GOMEZ, 5e année, ateliers Berrada et Mesiti
Anja MILENKOVIC, 5e année, atelier Cornaro
Salomé MOINDJIE-GALLET, 4e année, atelier Cogitore
Charles MORNAUD, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Viktoriia ORESHKO, 4e année, atelier Eitel
Axel PEREZ, 5e année, atelier Rielly
Simon PETIT FORT, 5e année, atelier Cornaro
Sergiy PETLYUK, 5e année, atelier Mesiti
Laure PINARD, 5e année, atelier Childress
Paul PINON, 5e année, atelier Childress
Léonie PORCHER, 4e année, atelier Allouche
Apolline REGENT, 4e année, atelier Figarella
Angèle ROSE, 5e année, atelier Blanckart
Hakim SAHIRI, 5e année, atelier Bernini
Karim SAIDI, 5e année, atelier Eitel
Mohamed SARNI, 5e année, atelier Paris
Narjis SBAI, 5e année, atelier Jouve
Isadora SOARES BELLETTI, 5e année, atelier Mesiti
François TOISON, 5e année, atelier Rielly
Norma TRIF, 5e année, atelier Eitel
Yizhi WAN, 4e année, atelier Burki
Libo WEI, 5e année, atelier Trouvé
Evane WILCOCKSON, 5e année, atelier Sirjacq
Wiktoria WOJCIECHOWSKA, 4e année, atelier Trouvé
Alexandre YANG, 5e année, atelier Rielly

Crush performance programme : 

Saturday 9 March: 

  • 2pm - Tourner sa langue 7 fois dans sa bouche, performance by Côme Ferrasse
  • 3pm - Sous terre, la colère, performance by Clara Eon, to a composition by Sachie Kobayashi 
  • 4pm - MOTHER XMAS, performance by Morgan Frey
  • 5pm - Sous terre, la colère, performance by Clara Eon, on a composition by Sachie Kobayashi
  • 6pm - MOTHER XMAS, performance by Morgan Frey

Saturday 16 March : 

  • 2pm - Tourner sa langue 7 fois dans sa bouche, performance by Côme Ferrasse
  • 3pm - Sous terre, la colère, performance by Clara Eon, with music by Sachie Kobayashi 
  • 4pm - MOTHER XMAS, performance by Morgan Frey
  • 5pm - Sous terre, la colère, performance by Clara Eon, on a composition by Sachie Kobayashi
  • 6pm - MOTHER XMAS, performance by Morgan Frey


Practical info:

8.03 > 17.03 2024
Cour vitrée
14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e
Every day from 1pm to 7pm

Visual credit: Chloé Poitevin