Last updated on 05/05/2021

Crous Covid-19 : student grant 

During the health crisis related to Covid-19, the Crous and the State continue to help young people and students. Meals at 1€ are available for all students in university restaurants since January 25, 2021. Financial aid is also available to help pay for various costs caused by the crisis (purchase of computer equipment, change of energy supplier such as EDF or Direct Energie, medical care...). The annual allowance for students who are eligible for a grant based on social criteria or the one-time assistance that allows students with or without grants who are enrolled in an initial training program in a higher education institution to benefit from assistance in financing health costs, student school insurance, housing (water or gas and electricity bills, etc.) or mobility (internship, etc.). Some of these aids can be combined with other aids provided by the Crous. You can go to the government website to have the list of the aids deployed during the health crisis on


Last updated on 25/03/2021

Following the government measures announced on March 18, 2021, the School have to adapt its activities.

School access

As of Saturday, March 20, the hours of access to the School for students are 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

The conditions of access remain unchanged. (cf. thread, announcements of 19/01)

Due to the health situation, access to the school is restricted to students registered on the attendance schedule. Receipts will be issued if necessary.


Access to training courses, workshops, technical bases, library will be maintained according to the rules in force at Beaux-Arts de Paris.


Reinforcement of sanitary instructions concerning catering. Meals must be taken outside, 2 meters away from one another, to avoid any chain of contamination during lunch and dinner breaks.

For the staff

Telecommuting remains the norm whenever possible.

Face-to-face activity whenever an activity is not or only partially achievable remotely, at the discretion of department heads.

Dematerialized meetings must be prioritized.

Make sure you have receipts for travel, especially for curfew hours, for the agents concerned.


Unfortunately, our upcoming exhibitions will not be open to the public for the time being, due to the restrictions in effect. The opening conditions, as of April 14, will be reviewed if necessary according to the health situation.

  • Le Dessin romantique, de Géricault à Victor Hugo (March 31 - June 27) can be discovered on L'Atlas, the virtual gallery site of Beaux-Arts de Paris. Visits are reserved for students, professors and agents from Monday to Friday from 2 to 5 pm, in strict compliance with capacity and sanitary regulations.
  • Le Théâtre des expositions Acte 2 (April 14 - May 29). Given its educational vocation, it will initially be open only by appointment to professionals in strict compliance with sanitary conditions. The opening conditions, as of April 14, will be reviewed if necessary according to the health situation.


Last updated on 04/03/2021

Cancellation - New Amateur Academy

Due to government provisions, the New Academy of Amateurs of Fine Arts in Paris, which was scheduled to begin on January 25 and then postponed to March 8, 2021, is cancelled.


Last updated on 22 /01/2021

Report - New Amateurs Academy

Due to the latest government provisions, the New Academy of Amateurs, which was scheduled to begin on January 25, has been postponed to March 8, 2021.

All the information on the offer page


Last updated on 19/01/2021

Following the last governmental measures of January 14, 2021 to limit the spread of Covid-19, the School is obliged to adapt its activities.


Scholl access

The School's access hours for students are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Sunday inclusive.


Access to the School is always under very supervised conditions. It is limited to students whose names appear on the weekly schedules.


For outings outside the curfew hours, the certificate of individual travel for teaching or training purposes must be filled out, available on the government website Exemptions for professional travel will be established by the School for teachers and agents.


In order to guarantee the health safety of all and in accordance with current legal provisions, the wearing of masks is mandatory within the Beaux-Arts de Paris and in all places, respect of barrier gestures, ventilation of spaces and physical distance must be respected: any coffee break, cigarette, meal, must be taken in a strictly individual manner, prohibition to settle or meet in places such as the cour du mûrier, the cour Chimay, the cour Bonaparte, the cour des loges, the corridors, the glass courtyard, etc..


As of January 22, 2021, art history classes dedicated to the early years will take place in the classroom under very supervised conditions.


From January 25, 2021, the gauges will be reviewed during the week to allow priority access to first-year students (schedule established by the workshop managers and technical teachers in connection with the schooling). The School will be accessible on Saturdays and Sundays for workshop work within the limit of the fixed gauges, i.e. 4 students per workshop.


By mid-February, the presentation of the technical courses for the first years will take place. Access is possible in the classroom for the 2nd year courses and - depending on the case - for the other theoretical courses. Please note that the access exclusively reserved for the courses does not give access to the workshops or other areas of the School.


Students can always access by appointment the technical bases, the digital center, the lending base and the library of contemporary art from Monday to Friday as part of the weekly schedule.


Psychological support

Reinforcement of the psychological support system for students by the professionals of the association Troisième rive.


For the staff

Teleworking remains the rule as long as the functions performed are compatible with this mode of organization. However, a relaxation has been opened and confirmed by the Minister of Labor with the possibility of working face-to-face one day a week. 


The Cultural Program

The cultural program "Penser le Présent" continues, the dialogues with the guests are to be followed every week live on Facebook or Instagram, to be seen or reviewed on Youtube, or to listen to a podcast by downloading the Beaux-Arts de Paris application.

To be kept informed of upcoming events, subscribe to the Newsletter. 


Last updated on 16/11/2020

Emergency aid fund for the most vulnerable Beaux-Arts de Paris students

In the context of the health crisis and to help the students most at risk from the containment measures, the Beaux-Arts de Paris, with the support of the Association des Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris and the Antoine de Galbert Foundation, has exceptionally strengthened its emergency aid fund. This aid meets the needs of students in major financial difficulty who, as a result of the pandemic, can no longer benefit from sufficient resources.

This aid fund is one of the support measures offered to students at the school (grants, Crous aid, aid from the Culture and Diversity Foundation, psychological and social support). 


Last updated on 09/11/2020

School Access

As of Monday, November 9, access for students to the Beaux-Arts de Paris on the two sites Saint Germain and Saint-Ouen, is made possible under very supervised conditions. Practical lessons can be delivered in person. Students can access the workshops at a rate of 4 students per workshop per day and also by appointment to the technical bases, the digital center, the lending base and the library of contemporary art.


The same rules of presential/distance organization have been set up for the Via Ferrata preparatory class. 


Last updated on 06/11/2020

Library welcomes students by appointment.

During the confinement until at least December 1st, 2020, the Contemporary Art Library will welcome students for on-site consultation, return and borrowing of documents from Monday to Friday from 2pm to 5pm by appointment only.

More information


Last updated on 30/10/2020


The announcement by the President of the Republic last night of a national confinement applicable during the night from Thursday to Friday until at least December 1st leads us to close the School as of this evening and to suspend our activities.


From Friday, October 30th, the theoretical and language courses will switch to distance learning, all information will be to follow on the application of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. Beyond these emergency provisions, we are waiting for additional announcements and application texts concerning the new protocols to be put in place and more specifically for our establishment.

Cultural Programming

The cultural programme "Penser le Présent", initially planned for November in live and in person, is being redesigned. We will not fail to keep you informed of the next events that can be broadcast live.


In view of the new situation, our next exhibitions will not be able to start on 12 November as planned, and we will adapt our calendar to changes in the health situation.

Public Courses

The new health situation forces us to suspend the public classes as of this evening. For the students of session 1, (Sept-End Nov) we will reimburse the last classes to come for those who wish to do so. Session 2 (30 Nov - beginning of March), this one is postponed to January 2021. For more information