Clédia Fourniau, a 2021 graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris, has been chosen as one of five young artists nominated for the third Reiffers Art Initiatives Prize.

Clédia Fourniau works the shapes and materials of her abstract paintings in a series of gestures and actions, using dyes, inks and polyurethane resins to create a space of colour and texture.
These form an ultra-bright embossed colour on the canvas, reflecting the body, the studio and the architecture. The image never ceases to make and unmake itself, attempting to convey a sensual disturbance, a message without a message, a form of mysticism.
In this way, Clédia Fourniau addresses the processual and performative dimension of abstract painting, and questions the conditions of perception and reception of an image, by involving the body, that of the artist and that of the visitor, in its entirety.

Her work is on show until 6 June at 30 rue des Acacias, Paris 17, as part of the group exhibition (Re)Génération.
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Photo credit: Romain Darnaud