The City of Fontainebleau signed on October 6, 2021 a double agreement with the Beaux-Arts de Paris, by which it supports the new professionalizing course, " Fresco and monumental art " and launches a call for projects to students and graduates of the School, for the creation of a sculpture-fountain on the Place de l'Etape in Fontainebleau.


  • The " Fresco and monumental art " course, launched in 2022, will allow students to create on a large scale, mostly outdoors. About fifteen students per year will be admitted to this double course of study, which will be run by two workshop leaders and a coordinating teacher. The teaching is organized around interventions of artists, technicians and intellectuals to which are added the teaching of techniques and orders " real size " carried by public or private partners, in ensembles with social dimensions as in historical monuments, urban complexes or in ephemeral situations.


  • The City of Fontainebleau is launching a call for projects in October 2021 for students and young graduates of the Beaux-Arts de Paris to compete for the creation of a sculpture-fountain on the Place de l'Etape in Fontainebleau. A jury of personalities will make a first selection among the candidates, then a winning artist will be chosen and the final work will be inaugurated in the fall of 2022.


Through this, the City of Fontainebleau gives the opportunity to young artists to disseminate their creations in a different environment, to confront a concrete case in the context of their studies and to dialogue with elected officials, architects, construction companies, lawyers ... which will be particularly formative for them.


Read the press release (FR)