Call for applications 2022/2023

Training programme for artists working in schools (AIMS)

With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the five major national art schools in Paris, component members or partners of PSL, namely the Beaux-Arts de Paris, the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique (CNSAD), the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), the École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, and La Fémis, have joined forces to develop the post-graduate training programme for Artists Working in Schools (AIMS) within the framework of a residency. For the academic year 2022-2023, a residency is offered to students who graduated in 2021-2020-2019. This programme, carried out in partnership with towns in the Ile-de-France region and the district education inspectorates, is a one-year post-master's degree course and is part of the 6th year. AIMS aims to train young artists to work in schools while allowing them to develop their personal projects. Each selected artist receives an annual grant of 12,000 euros.



Each artist selected by a jury will lead a creative and artistic project with a class in a school or college in the Ile-de-France region, in agreement with a referent teacher throughout the 2022-2023 school year. The artist will have a work space allowing him/her to develop his/her own creative projects in parallel, while encouraging exchanges and links with the teachers and pupils. The artist will spend 20 hours a week at the school, divided between workshops with the children and the artist's residence. He/she will have to conceive and carry out a public presentation of the artistic project carried out throughout the year with the pupils and will have to write a research paper on artistic practice in schools and the notion of transmission, which will be defended before a jury at the beginning of the school year 2023. Training will be organised for the residents of the 5 partner schools from the beginning of the school year 2022, to enable them to acquire the knowledge and become familiar with the tools necessary for intervention in the school environment. The resident artist will benefit from the support of a teacher-tutor who will accompany them throughout the school year.


Candidates will be selected by a jury made up of representatives of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. The selection file will include: an artistic file (A4 format); a CV mentioning experience in a school, extracurricular or socio-educational environment; a note of intent of a creative and artistic project to be developed with a class; a letter of motivation.


Application file to be returned by e-mail no later than Monday 27 June 2022 to the attention of Marc Petit - Director of the library.

Selected candidates will be invited to attend an interview with the jury in the first half of July

Contact: / 06 6540 4395


Photo credit: Mathieu Faluomi