from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 July 2021
Exhibition / installations
2pm-8pm - Free admission

Lunch on July 12 from 6pm


Borrowing their green color from techniques that allow for the inlaying of filmed elements into a digital setting, the walls of Point Éphémère reveal the intention of the exhibition 354C. Characterized by its dissimilarity with the hues of human skin, the emerald light that bathes the room constitutes the narrative link between the works presented. Like an invitation to go behind the scenes of a Potemkin Village, the plastic proposals of the students of the Julien Sirjacq workshop evolve against the backdrop of a health crisis further weakening the seal between the real and virtual worlds.


The infrastructure of Point Éphémère, a sort of mille feuilles of eras constantly in transitory periods, puts on new skins while keeping the stigma of its previous lives. Closed on March 13, 2020 after government measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the art center becomes a field of experimentation, investigation and reconstitution for students who dig into the history of the site and explore the architectural specificities of this former construction materials depot converted into a cultural venue. In the pieces resulting from this engagement; past, present and future merge into narratives where the previous and the future are no longer defined by their successiveness but act jointly.

The residency period that will have preceded 354C resonates here as a time taken for reflection and the organization of ideas. From the bling bling fantasy symptom of virtuality, through the questioning of a society of control; the plastic proposals use the neutrality of the green background to provide an observation on the treatment of bodies in a technological environment.

Assuming the role of matchmaker on behalf of public figures seeking their ideal life, ghost hunters or archaeologists, among others; the actors of the exhibition manipulate the images they create to carry their narratives into a collective present that could already be interpreted as fiction.


Hugo Bonnet, Jérémie Danon, Tiziano Foucault Gini, Louis Gonzalez, Simon Juillard Marchay, Virginia Marchi, Théo Pall, Louise Rocard, Bettina Strasser, Lalie Thébault Maviel, Atelier Julien Sirjacq

SPETTRO VERDE // Sound performance : Froe Char + Louise Rocard on July 17th at 7pm

SALON D'ÉDITIONS // Micro-éditions on July 18th from 2pm to 8pm


200 Quai de Valmy - 75010 Paris
Tel 01 40 34 02 48

Metro Jaurès (lines 5, 2 and 7 bis)
Louis Blanc (line 7)
Bus 26 /46 / 48