4 graduates and 1 professor from the Beaux-Arts de Paris are among the 16 new boarders at Villa Medici


Like every year, September will mark the start of the new class of boarders at the Académie de France in Rome - Villa Medici!

This new class of sixteen boarders, representing 10 artistic disciplines and 6 different nationalities, will be welcomed at the Villa Medici for a one-year residency for creation, experimentation or research.

In this context, the boarders will benefit from a residency grant, accommodation and a work space.


Mounir Ayache - Visual Arts (2017 graduate)
Yasmina Benabderrahmane - Photography (graduated 2009)
François Durif - Literature (graduated 1997)
Marion Grébert - Art History (graduated 2015)
Liv Schulman - Visual Arts (Professor)


Samir Amarouch - Music composition
Hortense de Corneillan - Heritage restoration
Lorraine de Sagazan - Director
Dorothée Dupuis - Exhibition curator
Sivan Eldar - Musical composition
Bocar Niang - Plastic arts
Lasseindra Ninja - Choreography
Anna Solal - Visual arts
Sarah Vanuxem - Theories
Ariane Varela Braga - Art History
Laura Vazquez - Literature


Photo credit: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra